Acne Scars: Are There Any Treatments Available?

Acne Scars: Are There Any Treatments Available?

Acne is a major issue particularly for females as they appear without any prior warning and leave a lot of ugly scars. Notwithstanding your hatred for it, acne can not be avoided by an average teenager and considerable care is required in order to remove these scars and stopping them from appearing again.

Acne is an infection caused by the reaction of bacteria and excessive sebum secretion by the skin glands. When this infection is being healed, a protein called collagen is created under the skin. On the level of collagen going below normal, tiny depressions develop on the skin and on its level being too high, visible protrusions appear. Either of these factors can give rise to acne scars. Teenagers are generally the worst affected from acne as the hormone levels shoot up during puberty causing more sebum discharge.

Some of the common reasons behind an acne infection are application of cosmetic products that are not suitable for the skin type, using contraceptive pills and drugs, and other hereditary factors. A number of lifestyle aspects including food that is not healthy enough and mental strain can also cause acne. But contrary to what a majority of people believe, researchers have not discovered any connection between oily food and acne.

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Although a variety of creams and herbal skin care products are sold in the market to deal with acne, it is advisable to seek medical help if the problem aggravates or continues recurring. In order to make sure that acne does not worsen, it is better to abstain from pinching the lesion or piercing it with pointed objects.

A number of sufferers now resort to many cosmetic treatments to make the scars disappear and regain a glowing skin. Laser treatment and surgery are also being used increasingly for getting rid of acne scars, in addition to several new cures that have been developed by medical science. You must see a good dermatologist who would be able to identify your skin type and recommend an appropriate treatment.