How to Lose Weight in a Fun and Exciting Way

How to Lose Weight in a Fun and Exciting Way

Losing weight tends to get boring once you start doing all the same exercises every day. In order to avoid the dull routines experiment with some fun workout routines. Whether you chose to go outside the gym, or try some new programs inside, either way there are many activities that will make the weight loss much more exciting.


A combination of light boxing, capoeira, kickboxing, African dance, and fancy step footwork is what the Bokwa is all about. It requires you using your feet to draw letters or numbers, and at the same time, you are doing a cardio to a catchy music. This routine is perfect for strengthening the feet and ankles, and you will burn 1200 calories as well. Furthermore, the lower body muscles are also going to be well- tightened. No matter how old you are, Bokwa is a great and exciting way to lose weight.

Hula Hoops

Working out with a hula-hoop will help you burn up to 600 calories per hour, because it is physically intensive workout. It will not be as easy for the beginners to start hula hooping that long, but starting off with a 15 minute routine and increasing it every day for another 2-3 minutes, will get you on the move easily. The best thing about working out with a hula-hoop is that you do not require a gym for doing it, but you can do it in the privacy of your home.

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If you are looking for a workout that will help you lose weight, manage the weight (diet), lose the fat and tone your body – Zumba is the perfect activity for you. This Latin-inspired calorie-burning fitness party is one of the most interesting routines for working out. All of you who love to dance merengue, salsa, cumbia, reggaetton, Latin-pop, samba and many other routines, but at the same time you look for a fitness routine that is included into dancing, try out the Zumba class. A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility is everything Zumba will provide you with.


Not only is skating fun, but it also helps burn more than 500 calories per hour. Furthermore, it benefits the heart, it is cost-effective and it will not get you as tired as running would. Find the favourite path you will skate down, and enjoy at least an hour of this fun activity each day. If you are up to it, go for two or even three hours; the longer you skate, the more calories you will burn.


A sport that works muscles and heart in various ways and also helps you lose weight is definitely soccer. Playing soccer will help you build more muscle mass, burn more fat because it will engage all of your muscles into an activity. Not only will soccer build a muscle mass, but also it will preserve it and boost the metabolism in addition. Playing an hour of soccer three times a week, burns an extra 1500 calories each week. Additionally, you will lose 2 pounds each month just from playing soccer. Get your soccer training equipment and hit the court to get those perfect muscles, and lose all the fat in order to have a perfect figure.

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Soccer, Zumba, hula hooping, Bokwa and skating are just some of the numerous routines you can start doing in order to lose weight. All of them will enhance your stamina, help you burn calories and tone the muscles that will give you the perfect figure. Choose those that best fit your needs and you will be in shape in no time.